As an art form, cinema captures the deeply human fascination with meaningful narrative, hence its enormous potential to influence how ideas are shaped and transmitted in the socio-cultural milieu. This is particularly the case when cinema creates space for theological exploration. As means of discreet dissemination of theological or religious narrative, certain films can be seen as the modern day equivalent of parables.
You can find recordings of all our Conversation Days on ‘Faith and Film’ below:
5 June 2020: ‘Intersections between science-fiction & theology’. The two featured speakers and their explored themes for the day were: Prof Rowland Wymer (Anglia Ruskin University) – ‘Science Fiction and Religion’ and Dr Razvan Porumb (Vice-Principal IOCS) – ‘Being human: theological insights in Blade Runner‘. Recordings of this event available at: Session 1 and Session 2
19 June 2020: ‘The Way of the Cross vs. Violence’ – with our special guest Sister Vassa Larin (from the popular series of podcasts Coffee with Sister Vassa) who spoke on Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino (followed by a brief response from Father Dragos Herescu, Principal of IOCS). The recording of this event is available here.
3 July 2020: ‘Beauty, Love and Sacrifice. The Cinematic Mediation of Transcendence in Tarkovsky’s Films’. The two speakers were: Revd Dr Colin Heber-Percy (Author, Screenwriter) – ‘Faith and Folly in Tarkovsky’s Stalker’ and Dr Christoph Schneider (Academic Director IOCS) – ‘Sacramental Science and Conjugal Love in Tarkovsky’s Solaris’. Recordings of this event available at: Session 1 and Session 2.
As seen above, the format of a Conversation Day was generally centred on two speakers for each occasion – preferably from different but related Christian traditions or research backgrounds – who each deliver a presentation. The schedule of each Conversation Days is:
6.30 pm – 7.30 pm: First presentation, response and Q&A
7.45 pm – 8.45 pm: Second presentation, response and Q&A
Click here to download a poster for the event.