Archbishop Angaelos of London
His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos, the Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London, and Papal Legate to the United Kingdom, holds the Lectureship in Oriental Orthodox Studies at IOCS, a role established in partnership with the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of London and the Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK.
Archbishop Angaelos is widely recognised for his extensive advocacy work, and as a result he was conferred the honour of Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by Her Majesty The Queen for ‘Services to International Religious Freedom.’ Archbishop Angaelos has also been conferred the Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Coventry Cross of Nails for Reconciliation. With a pastoral ministry spanning more than two decades, Archbishop Angaelos specialises in youth ministry and travels around the world to speak at youth conferences and conventions.
Archbishop Angaelos frequently issues statements and comments relating to current religious and minority issues, with his particular focus on dialogue, conflict-resolution, and reconciliation. His comments and views are frequently sought on matters of human rights, civil liberties and international religious freedom, particularly in relation to the situation in Egypt, the Middle East, and North Africa.
Dr Clemena Antonova
Dr Clemena Antonova is a Research Associate of IOCS. After defending her DPhil at Oxford University, Clemena held a number of research fellowships: at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Edinburgh, the Royal Academy of Belgium, the Institute for the Human Sciences in Vienna, and the Morphomata International Centre at the University of Cologne. Her book, Space, Time, and Presence in the Icon: Seeing the World with the Eyes of God (Ashgate, UK, 2010) was meant as a contribution to the field of “theology through the arts.” Her articles have been published in established journals, such as Sobornost, Slavonica, Leonardo, Cithara, etc. Clemena’s research deals with aspects of Eastern Orthodox theology and Russian religious philosophy with a focus on the Russian thinker Pavel Florensky (1883-1937) and his critique of the icon.
Fr Nevsky Everett
Fr Nevsky is the Chaplain of the Church of the Resurrection and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Apokrisarios to the Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate. He was previously the Chaplain of Keble College, Oxford, during which time he completed his doctorate at SOAS, University of London. His PhD explored the contemporary theological currents underlying a homily of Isaac of Nineveh on the Cross. He has been involved with a range of ecumenical bodies since his ordination, particularly in connection with the Church of England’s relationships with the Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox churches. Since coming to Romania, Fr Nevsky has developed a love for all things Romanian. In his spare time is translating the short stories and sketches of Transylvanian life by the Greek-Catholic priest and writer, Ion Agârbiceanu.

Revd Dr Demetrios Bathrellos
Revd Dr Demetrios Bathrellos is a Visiting Professor and Distance Learning Tutor for the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies. Father Demetrios received his doctorate in Systematic Theology from King’s College, London and is the author of The Byzantine Christ: Person, Nature and Will in the Christology of St. Maximus the Confessor (Oxford: OUP, 2004).

Revd Dr John Binns
Revd Dr John Binns is a Visiting Professor of the Institute and Vicar of Great St Mary’s the University Church Cambridge. He is an Anglican priest with a long commitment to building understanding between churches of east and west. He studied at the Serbian Orthodox Theological Faculty at Belgrade (1972); and was awarded a PhD degree by Kings College London for his thesis on Cyril of Scythopolis (1986). He has been Chair of Trustees of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, and was a founding director of the Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies. His publications include Ascetics and Ambassadors of Christ, the Monasteries of Palestine 314-631 (OUP 1994) and An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches (CUP 2002). As Visiting Professor he is initiating a research programme on Ethiopian Christianity.
Revd Dr Boniface Timothy Carroll
Revd Dr Boniface Timothy Carroll is a Visiting Professor of the Institute and Principal Research Fellow in Anthropology at Unversity College London. His work focuses on the lived practices of Orthodox Christianity, the material culture of the Church, and the interplay between theology, ethics, and the bodily and physical aspects of human experience. He is currently the Principal Investigator of a UKRI-funded project on ‘Orthodox Christian Material Ecology and the Sociopolitics of Religion’, based at UCL Anthropology, and the Founding Director of the Centre for Anthropology and Ethnography of Orthodoxy. His is the author of Orthodox Christian Material Culture: Of People and Things in the Making of Heaven (2018) and A Return to the Object: Alfred Gell, Art and Social Theory (with S.Kuechler 2020). He has published widely on art and aesthetics, the relation of theology to ethnography, and the role of material within the liturgical and ethical practices of Orthodox Christianity.
Father Boniface currently heads our Institute’s Centre for Anthropology and Ethnography of Orthodox Christianity (CAEO).
Dr Daniela Dumbrava
Dr Daniela Dumbravă is a Research Associate of IOCS, Member affiliate at the Institute for the History of Religions, Romanian Academy, Bucharest (Romania) as well as temporary Research Assistant, PNNR project “The Life of the Heart: Phenomenology of Body and Emotions”, Centre for Humanistic studies.
Starting with 2021, in her capacity as Project leader, she carried out three research missions in Lebanon, mostly in Beirut and Deir’el-Harf, research dedicated to the orthodox monk and theologian André Scrima [host institution: Institute for the History of Religions, Romanian Academy, Exploratory Research Project 2020, UEFISCDI]. This project allowed her to carry out the study of four major archives, leading her to the access of many unpublished fonds, now in the process of being digitised, published and valorised for further research. For four years she was Lecturer and scientific researcher at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Modern History, University of Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy) and also Lecturer and scientific researcher, selected as post-doctoral stipend (principal investigator) in the project co-financed by the European Social Fund, Sectoral Operational Project Human Resources Development 2007-2013. Soon after completing her doctorate at the University of Florence, she earnt two postdoctoral fellowships: Mellon East-Central European Visiting Scholar at the American Academy in Rome, Italy and Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at the Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Studies, London, United Kingdom.
She has published collective volumes together with Bogdan Tătaru‑Cazaban: In-cognita: Ioan Petru Culianu’s Approaches to Religion, Zetabooks, Bucharest, 2022, pp. 444; Engaging God’s Language. Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy Vol. 5 (2022), pp. 113; and André Scrima. Expérience spirituelle et langage théologique. Actes du colloque de Roma, 29-30 October 2008, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 306, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Roma, 2019, pp. 255.
Aidan Hart
Aidan Hart has been a professional icon painter and carver, since 1984. His works are present in over twenty-five countries. Born in England, he was raised in Auckland and worked as a sculptor (by the name Christopher Hart), until returning to the UK in 1983. Aidan has authored three books; Festal Icons: History and Meaning (2022), Beauty Spirit Matter: Icons in the Modern World (2014), and Techniques of Icon and Wall Painting (2011). Training others in liturgical arts has also been part of his work. Aidan is the director and tutor for the part-time Icon Certificate programme of The Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts, London. He founded this in 2009 and teaches it in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. In demand as a writer, lecturer and teacher, he has had numerous articles published on the subjects of iconography, ecology and Orthodox spirituality. In 2015 he was elected a Fellow of the Temenos Academy.
Dr Jeremy Ingpen
Dr Jeremy N. Ingpen started translating the work of French Orthodox theologian Olivier Clément, following a career in management consulting and affordable housing. This multi-year translation project, now in its 12th year, includes Olivier Clément Transfiguring Time, 2019, Michel Evdokimov Two Martyrs in a Godless World, 2021, and Olivier Clément Dialogues with Patriarch Athenagoras, 2022, as well as a projected volume of Clément’s theological essays, He was awarded his doctorate through IOCS for his study of the life work of Olivier Clément, entitled The Face is the Prophecy of the Kingdom: an introduction to the work of Olivier Clément. Dr. Ingpen is available to advise on research projects on French Orthodox theology in the 20th century and on issues of theological translation.
Dr Romina Istratti
Dr Romina Istratii is UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at the School of History, Religions and Philosophies at SOAS University of London and co-chair of the SOAS Centre of World Christianity. She is the Principal Investigator of the UKRI-funded project “Bridging religious studies, gender & development and public health to address domestic violence: A novel approach for Ethiopia and the UK” known as project dldl/ድልድል. Her research and work lies at the intersection of gender, religious and development studies and seeks to diversify responses to gender-based violence programmes in the African region. Her PhD study proposed a philosophical deconstruction of Euro-American gender theory and merged a theological analysis of gender, marriage and domestic violence in the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahәdo Church tradition with a decolonial ethnographic participatory study of conjugal abuse realities and attitudes in the Ethiopian Orthodox community of Aksum, Ethiopia. Dr Istratii specialises in training Ethiopian Orthodox clergy on domestic violence and developing related multilingual resources. She is also involved in numerous inter-faith initiatives and currently co-leads research in Ethiopia, Egypt and the UK to explore Muslim-Christian responses to domestic violence in multi-religious societies. She has previously authored the monograph Adapting Gender and Development to Local Religious Contexts: A Decolonial Approach to Domestic Violence in Ethiopia (Routledge, 2020) and has written and directed the multilingual docudrama ‘Tidar’ (Marriage) in Ethiopia.
As a Research Fellow, Dr Istratii is keen to build on her work and networks in East Africa, Europe and North America to create a platform and space for theologically informed and ethnographically grounded discussions, reflections and responses to gender-related issues and domestic violence in Eastern and Oriental Orthodox communities worldwide. The aim is to achieve a better representation of Orthodox Churches in debates around gender injustices worldwide and to foster a more collective pan-Orthodox response, while improving mutual understanding across Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Church traditions and communities.
Revd Dr John Jillions
Revd Dr John Jillions is a Visiting Professor of IOCS. Father John was the first Principal of IOCS (1997-2003) and one of the founders of our Institute, while also being associated, at the time, with Tyndale House, Cambridge for his doctoral research (which he was conducting at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and which he completed in 2002). While in Cambridge, he lectured extensively for IOCS, the Cambridge Theological Federation and the Divinity Faculty. In subsequent years he activated as Associate Professor for the University of Ottawa (at the Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies) and for St Vladimir’s Seminary in New York. Father John also acted as Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, between 2011-2018. He is currently associated with the Faculty of Theology, at Fordham University. He is also currently Vice-President of the Orthodox Theological Society in America and a Member of the Editorial Board of the Religions journal. His latest book, Divine Guidance: Lessons for Today from the World of Early Christianity appeared this year (2020) at Oxford University Press.
His research interests include: divine guidance, delusion, division and discernment; the intersection of faith and human experience; ecumenical theology; the other as enemy; faith and political life; “nones and dones”; the Orthodox Church in American history.
Dr Katherine Kelaidis
Katherine Kelaidis is a Research Associate of IOCS. She is the Director of Research and Content at the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago, IL and a Senior Editor at Religion Dispatches. She is also on the editorial board of The Wheel. Her work focuses on Orthodox Christian identity in the diaspora and the intersection of religion, culture, and politics. She received her B.A. in Classical Languages from the University of California, Berkeley and a Ph.D. in Classics from Royal Holloway College, University of London.
Revd Dr Christopher Knight
Revd Dr Christopher Knight is a Senior Research Associate and Associate Lecturer of the Institute. He is the Rector of the Parish of the Holy Transfiguration in Walsingham, Norfolk. Before his retirement from secular employment, he was the Executive Secretary of the International Society for Science and Religion (of which he is a Fellow). His main theological interest is in the relationship between theology and the sciences, on which he has written numerous papers and four books: Wrestling With the Divine: Religion, Science, and Revelation (Fortress, 2001), The God of Nature: Incarnation and Contemporary Science (Fortress, 2007), Science and the Christian Faith: A Guide for the Perplexed (SVS Press, 2020), and Eastern Orthodoxy and the Science-Theology Dialogue (Cambridge University Press, 2022). His fifth book – Exploring Religious Pluralism: From Mystical Theology to the Science-Theology Dialogue – is to be published by Cambridge University Press in 2024.
Dr Ralph Lee
Ralph Lee is a Research Associate of the Institute. He grew up in the UK, and originally trained in Chemical Engineering at Cambridge. He has spent most of his working life in Ethiopia, initially teaching Chemical Engineering, he returned to the UK to study for an MA in African and Asian Christianity at SOAS University of London, followed by doctoral studies on Symbolic Interpretations in Ethiopic and Ephremic Literature, which examined parallels between the symbolic interpretations of the Ark of the Covenant and the Cross in these two traditions. Following this he taught for 6 years at the Holy Trinity Theological College of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Addis Ababa, returning to the UK in 2014, he now teaches Eastern and Orthodox Christianity courses at SOAS, and is involved in research on the book of 1Enoch at the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich. Recent and pending publications include translations of commentaries on 1Enoch, and Ethiopian homilies that refer to 1Enoch. He chairs the Ethiopic Bible and Literature Program Unit of the Society of Biblical Literature, through which he is involved on research on the textual history of the Ethiopic Old Testament, and which has had a very fruitful partnership with the Syriac Literature and Interpretations of Sacred Texts Program unit, particularly focussing on ascetic texts. He lives in Cambridge with his wife Sarah, and two children.
Research interests:
Classical Ethiopic (Ge’ez) Literature, particularly bible commentary and homilies; and Ethiopic biblical traditions, in particular the textual history of the Ethiopic Old Testament.
Amharic Bible commentary, and the Ethiopian Andemta commentary tradition.
The Syriac Christian tradition, and Syriac literature, in particular the works of Ephrem and Jacob of Serugh.
More broadly ancient Bible commentary, and its use in particular traditions.
1Enoch and related literature and its interpretation within Christian traditions
Christianity in the contemporary world, in particular: the relationship between Orthodox and other Christian expressions, in particular Protestant/Evangelical traditions; and Orthodox Christianity in post-Communist countries.
Language instruction: Classical Ethiopic (Ge’ez), Syriac.

Revd Prof Nikolaos Loudovikos
Revd Prof Nikolaos Loudovikos is a Visiting Professor of the Institute. Father Nikolaos is President of the University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki, for which he also teaches Systematic Theology, and a Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Winchester. In addition to his numerous scholarly publications, he is known through frequent contributions in newspapers and appearances in radio and television programmes. His most recent publications include ‘The strive for participation: Thomas Aquinas and Gregory Palamas’ (forthcoming); ‘A eucharistic ontology: Maximus The Confessor’s eschatological ontology of being as dialogical reciprocity’ (2010); ‘The terrors of the person and the ordeals of love: critical thoughts for a postmodern theological ontology’ (2009); ‘Theopoiia: postmodern theological aporia’ (2006); ‘Orthodoxy and modernization: Byzantine individualization, state and history in the perspective of the European future’ (2006).
Revd Prof Andrew Louth
Revd Prof Andrew Louth is a Visiting Professor of IOCS. He is an Emeritus Professor of Patristic and Byzantine Studies with the Durham University. Father Andrew has also taught in Oxford University (patristics, and early Christian theology) and in Goldsmiths College in the University of London (Byzantine and early Medieval history). Father Andrew studied at the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh and taught courses on the history and theology of the Christian Church.
Dr Danut Manastireanu
Danut Manastireanu is a Research Associate of IOCS. He is a Romanian Anglican theologian and holds a PhD in theology from Brunel University London, UK, with a thesis titled A Perichoretic Model of the Church. The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of Dumitru Staniloae, published in 2012 by Lambert, in Saarbrucken, Germany. He taught theology and spirituality at: Eastern University in St. Davids, Penn., US; Emanuel University in Oradea, Cluj University and Oradea University, in Romania; the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, Croatia; and the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague, Czech Republic. He served for sixteen years as Director for Faith & Development for the Middle East and the Eastern Europe Region of World Vision International. He is retired now and lives, with his family, in Glasgow, where he continues to do research, write, and mentor younger theologians. His theological interests include contemporary Orthodox theology, ecclesiology, Trinitarianism, theology of culture, etc. He has been involved for over thirty years in promoting dialogue and cooperation between Evangelicals and the Orthodox in Romania and beyond. He is a member of the Board of Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative.
Dr Sotiris Mitralexis
Dr Sotiris Mitralexis is a Research Associate of IOCS, as well as a Research Fellow at the University of Winchester’s Department of Theology, Religion, and Philosophy. Dr Mitralexis holds a doctorate in philosophy from the Freie Universität Berlin, a doctorate in theology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a doctorate in political science and international relations from the University of the Peloponnese, and a degree in classics from the University of Athens. He has been Seeger Fellow at Princeton University, Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge, Visiting Senior Research Associate at Peterhouse, Cambridge, Visiting Fellow at the University of Erfurt, Teaching Fellow at the University of Athens and Bogazici University, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Istanbul Sehir University, and the recipient of the 2021 IOCS Sabbatical Fellowship. His publications include the monographs Ever-Moving Repose: A Contemporary Reading of Maximus the Confessor’s Theory of Time (Cascade, 2017 and James Clarke & Co, 2018) and Church-State Relations (in Greek, Armos 2019) and, inter alia, the edited volumes Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher (Cascade, 2017), Polis, Ontology, Ecclesial Event (James Clarke & Co, 2018), Between Being and Time (Fortress, 2019, co-edited with Andrew Kaethler) and Slavoj Žižek and Christianity (Routledge, 2019), while his forthcoming publications include Mapping the Una Sancta: Eastern and Western Ecclesiology in the 21st Century (Winchester University Press, co-edited with Andrew Kaethler) and Subversive Orthodoxies, a monograph on 20th-century Orthodox political theology and political philosophy of religion in Greece. Dr Mitralexis is accepting applications from prospective PhD students.

Natalia Nikitin
Building on her previous work for St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology, Natalia has joined IOCS as part of the initiative for an encyclopaedic presence of Eastern Orthodox theology in the SAET, for the benefit of Orthodox and non-Orthodox scholars worldwide. She been involved various pan-Orthodox activities in the UK, including the work of the Orthodox Fellowship of St John the Baptist; she has a background in art history and professional translation.

Bishop Damaskinos Olkinuora of Haapsalu
His Grace, Bishop Damaskinos Olkinuora is a Research Associate of IOCS. He is a University Lecturer in Systematic Theology and Patristics at the University of Eastern Finland, as well as a part-time lecturer at the Theological Institute of the Orthodox Church of Estonia. Being trained in Theology, Classics, and Music, his research interests concentrate on Middle Byzantine hymnography, liturgy, music, and homiletics, as well as current challenges in Orthodox theology. He has published numerous papers and is the author of Byzantine Hymnography for the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos: An Intermedial Approach (Helsinki, 2015).
Prof Marcus Plested
Prof Marcus Plested (D.Phil., University of Oxford, 1999) is a Visiting Professor of the Institute. Prof Plested is Professor of Greek Patristic and Byzantine Theology at Marquette University. Schooled in London, he studied modern history followed by theology at Merton College, Oxford, comp;eting his doctorate under the supervision of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware. He taught for many years at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies and the Faculty of Divinity in Cambridge (UK). He has been a member of the Center of Theological Inquiry and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, and has taught, lectured, and published widely in patristic, Byzantine, and modern Orthodox theology. He is the author or editor of four books to date: The Macarian Legacy: The Place of Macarius-Symeon in the Eastern Christian Tradition (Oxford: OUP 2004); Orthodox Readings of Aquinas (Oxford: OUP 2012); The Oxford Handbook to the Reception of Aquinas (Oxford: OUP 2021) (with Matthew Levering); and Wisdom in Christian Tradition: The Patristic Roots of Modern Russian Sophiology (Oxford: OUP 2022).
Dr Alexey Somov
Dr. Alexey B. Somov is a Research Associate of IOCS. He studied Orthodox theology at St Philaret’s Institute in Moscow, Russia (1997-2004). He then studied the New Testament in the ThM program at Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey, USA (2007-2008) and received his PhD in Biblical Studies from VU University Amsterdam in 2014. His first monograph, Representations of the Afterlife in Luke-Acts (2018), is a historical-critical and cognitive investigation of Luke’s views on the hereafter in the context of Greco-Roman and early Jewish literature. His second monograph is on the early Byzantine martyrdom of Daniel and the Three Youths (2025, forthcoming). He has published a number of articles on the New Testament studies, the LXX, early Christian texts, Christian apocrypha, and Bible translation in such journals as Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha. Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, and the Bible Translator. His research interests include Biblical studies and translation; the reception of the Bible in Eastern Orthodox liturgical and hagiographical texts, anti-Jewish polemics, and Jewish-Christian relations in late antiquity; the use of Cognitive Linguistics in biblical interpretation; the New Testament in the context of Jewish literature of the Greco-Roman Period; the afterlife in early Jewish and Christian literature; and Christian Apocrypha.
Dr Elizabeth Theokritoff
Dr Theokritoff is an Associate Lecturer of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies and Chairwoman of the UK branch of Friends of IOCS, now living in Cambridge. She studied at Somerville and Wolfson Colleges, Oxford, and earned a doctorate in liturgical theology under the supervision of Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia. From 1983 to 1990 she served as Associate Secretary and then General Secretary of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius; since 1990, she has been an independent scholar and theological translator from Modern Greek. She taught liturgical theology for a semester at Holy Cross Orthodox School of Theology (Brookline, MA) and has served several times as a visiting lecturer at IOCS. She has had a particular interest in ‘theological ecology’ since 1988-9, when she served as visiting Orthodox Tutor at the Ecumenical Institute, Bossey, Switzerland, for the Graduate School on ‘Justice, peace and the integrity of creation’. Since then, she has given numerous conference presentations, lectures or workshops on aspects of Orthodoxy and ecology.
Elizabeth Theokritoff is co-editor of the Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology and author of Living in God’s Creation: Orthodox Perspectives on Ecology (St Vladimir’s Seminary Press), as well as numerous articles and book chapters on Orthodoxy and ecology and liturgical theology. Her research interests also include Orthodox theology and science and questions of language and translation.
Revd Dcn David-John Williams
Rev. Dcn. David-John Williams is a Research Associate of IOCS. He is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Saint Katherine (US). His research areas include Byzantine relations with the West from 600-1453, Greek Palaeography and Shared Sacred Space.
His MA dissertation investigated the contribution of the canons of the Quinisext Council (629) to anti-heretical literature and the schism between the Byzantine and Latin Churches. His PhD thesis is entitled Shared Sacred Spaces: Saints, Relics and Sacred Objects in the Byzantine Mediterranean. Recent publications include: “The Use of Memory to Re-Found Hagia Sophia” in Koinonia II, 2020 “Did The Crusades Change the Byzantine Perception of Holy War?” in Porphyra, “Mediterranean Religion”, Duke University, “Christian Saints as allies of non Christians” and “Did Byzantium practice Holy War?” Orthodoxes Forum, University of Munich. Professor Williams has taught courses in History, the Integrated Core and Humanities at USK since 2016 and was appointed Chair of INT in 2020. As thesis advisor he has supervised eight senior thesis students with topics ranging from Orthodox theology, the Crusades, and modern history, to Viking studies. He is a member of the Byzantine Studies Association of North America, The Medieval Academy of America, The Society For the Promotion Promotion of Byzantine Studies, the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, The Society of St Shenoudah the Archimandrite, The Association of Anglican and Eastern Churches, The Royal Holloway Centre for the GeoHumanities, an associate of The International Society for Science and Religion, a contributing editor to the University of London Working Seminar on Editing Byzantine Texts, a member and frequent participant in the Mediterranean Seminar of the University of Colorado.