The Centre for Theology and Philosophy in Eastern Orthodoxy at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies (IOCS) has launched an onsite/online Reading Group that will meet for the first time on Tuesday 28 January from 4-5pm (GMT) at IOCS, 31 Jesus Lane, Wesley House, Cambridge CB5 8BJ, or online via Zoom.
The aim of the Reading Group is to reflect on the relationship of theology and philosophy in Eastern Orthodoxy (as well as other traditions). Meetings will take place every two weeks.
If you are interested to join the group, please contact Christoph Schneider at
The topics for Trimester 2 (January to March 2025) and Trimester 3 (May to July 2025) are as follows:
- Trimester 2: A comparison between William Desmond’s metaxology and (key texts of) Russian Religious Philosophy.
o The first text for the meeting on 28 January will be: William Desmond, ‘God Beyond the Whole: Between Solov’ëv and Shestov’, In Is There a Sabbath for Thought? Between Religion and Philosophy (New York: Fordham University Press, 2005), 167–199. - Trimester 3: Phenomenology and Orthodox Theology