POSTPONED – The new date will be confirmed shortly – Our Institute’s first Conversation Day of the year will take place in the Dining Room (top floor) of Wesley House, Cambridge (CB5 8BJ). The theme of the day is ‘Intersections between science-fiction and theology’, a first instalment of this year’s overarching theme Faith and Film: A Theological Exploration of Contemporary Cinema which will be tackled in our series of Conversation Days. All are welcome to attend.
The two featured speakers in conversation and their respective talks will be: Prof Rowland Wymer – ‘Science Fiction and Religion’ and Dr Razvan Porumb – ‘Being human – theological insights in Blade Runner‘.
The speakers believe it would be beneficial for the participants if they watch the following movies prior to the event: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Solaris, Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049.
The programme of the day is:
6.30 pm – 7.30 pm: Rowland Wymer’s presentation, followed by Razvan Porumb’s response and Q&A
7.30 pm – 8 pm: Refreshments
8 pm – 9 pm: Razvan Porumb’s presentation, followed by Rowland Wymer’s response and Q&A
Rowland Wymer is an Emeritus Professor of English at Anglia Ruskin University. He did both his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Oxford. Before joining Anglia Ruskin in 2004, he worked for many years at the University of Hull, including a period as Head of English. At Anglia Ruskin, Rowland was the Head of English and Media for several years, in addition to being a Professor of English and a member of the Reinventing the Renaissance Research Centre. His research interests are: English Renaissance drama, science fiction, film, and religion and literature.
Razvan Porumb is Vice-Principal of IOCS and Lecturer in Ecumenism and Practical Theology. He has taken his doctorate through the Cambridge Theological Federation and Anglia Ruskin University on the topic of ‘Orthodoxy and Ecumenism’. His book on this theme has been recently published by Peter Lang. His research interests include: ecumenism and ecumenical theology, practical and pastoral theology, Christian spirituality, theology and literature.
To make a booking please email the Institute at, or call us on 01223 760958.
Here is a link to the poster for the Conversation Day – we would be grateful if you could kindly spread the word about this and all our future events.
The dates of our other forthcoming Conversation Days of 2020 on the theme of Faith and Film: A Theological Exploration of Contemporary Cinema are: 24 April, 29 May and 19 June. THE APRIL AND MAY DATES ARE LIKELY TO BE POSTPONED.