Conversation Day – ‘In the image and likeness’. Human perfection and disability – 5 April 2019

Conversation Day – ‘In the image and likeness’. Human perfection and disability – 5 April 2019

We are delighted to invite you all to our first Conversation Day for 2019 which will take place on Friday, 5 April at Wesley House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge CB5 8BJ. This Conversation Day will be organised jointly with our friends from Wesley House and its theme is: ‘”In the image and likeness”. Human perfection and disability.’ The two featured speakers in conversation are Revd Professor Frances Young OBE FBA (Emeritus Professor, University of Birmingham) and Dr Petre Maican (University of Aberdeen).  Our Institute also has the great pleasure of introducing ‘St John Chrysostom Orthodox Research Group’ ( of which Dr Maican is a Research Member.

All are welcome to attend (there is no participation fee for our Conversation Days).

The programme of our 5 April Conversation Day will be:
6.30 – 7.30 pm: First Session (presentation + brief response + questions and answers)
7.30 – 8 pm: Sandwiches and refreshments
8 – 9 pm: Second Session (presentation + brief response + questions and answers)

Professor Frances Young OBE FBA is an Emeritus Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham. New Testament and early Christian studies are her main fields of interest. Her academic publications include ‘From Nicaea to Chalcedon. A Guide to the Literature and its Background’ (SCM press, 1983, 2nd edition 2010) and ‘Biblical Exegesis and the Formation of Christian Culture’ (CUP, 1997); she co-edited ‘The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature’ and ‘The Cambridge History of Christianity: Origins to Constantine’. In 1985, Professor Young published ‘Face to Face’ (Epworth press), an account of her son’s life and education – born with profound learning disabilities – her own struggle with faith, coming to terms with the situation and her call to ordination.

Petre Maican is a Teaching Fellow at the University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom. He holds a PhD in Systematic Theology from the same institution and a MTh and BTh from the University of Bucharest in Romania. His current research focuses on theological anthropology, with special focus on disability in the Orthodox tradition. At the moment, he is revising his PhD thesis for publication and co-editing two collective volumes of essays: one dealing with the impact of the Orthodox ecumenical engagement and another on Dumitru Stăniloae’s encounter with the West.

You can find a poster for the Conversation Day here. We would be grateful if you could kindly spread the word about this and all our future events.