This 5-session course will be taught online on: 5, 12, 19, 26 May, 2 June 2023, between 5-7pm BST.
This standalone course is meant to provide a glimpse into Orthodox attitudes towards modern-day questions and issues – but it can also constitute a ‘taster’ for our Master of Arts programmes (in Christian Spirituality East and West and Contemporary Faith and Belief in the Global Context) as the level of teaching and class discussions will follow our postgraduate course standards.
The cost of the module is £150. Discounts for students are: £75 for students and £50 for IOCS students.
To apply please send your CV to
The module will consist of the following 5 sessions, taught weekly in real-time (5-7pm BST) between 5 May and 2 June 2023:
1. Friday, 5 May: New Testament exegesis (Revd Dr John Jillions)
2. Friday, 12 May: Orthodox tradition speaks to ecology (Dr Elizabeth Theokritoff)
3. Friday, 19 May: Ecumenism and Pan-Orthodoxy (Dr Razvan Porumb)
4. Friday, 26 May: The Orthodox Church between internal and external secularisation (Fr Dragos Herescu)
5. Friday, 2 June: Orthodox theology in the 21st century: modern and postmodern challenges (Dr Christoph Schneider)
Each session will include a teaching segment but it will also allow for ample time for discussion. Students will receive reading assignments prior to each session (available via an online distance learning platform), but will not be required to submit any final written assignments.
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