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Let us show respect to the inexhaustible variety of character and outlook among our pupils. For, as St. Paul insists, there are many differentiations within the created order: there is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon and yet another glory of the stars. So it is in our Institute, and in every place of learning: one pupil differs from another in gifts and potentiality and this is something that a true teacher will always respect.
Metropolitan Kallistos, President of IOCS
* Alternative arrangements can be made for students wishing to re-take modules or take modules out of sequence.

Metropolitan Kallistos Ware (University of Oxford)
Revd Professor Andrew Louth (University of Durham)
Revd Dr Nikolai Sakharov (Monastery of St John the Baptist, Essex)
Revd Dr Demetrios Bathrellos (Hellenic Open University, Visiting Professor IOCS)
Dr Krastu Banev (Durham University)
Revd Dr Andreas Andreopoulos (University of Winchester)
Dr Norman Russell